Stamps Originals
A stamp artist´s works are small stamp artworks; a finished
painting, a drawing, a photo
or made in any other form by a Stamp Artist or
just his or hers preliminary sketch.
Approved or not approved originals for evaluation
or for later official postage stamp printing by
the state governments of all countries. Most stamp
works (stamp artworks) are signed on front
on the reverse side like any other artist work,
like paintings etc.
The stamp artworks at the market originate from the stamp
artists´ private archives,
the postal administrations´ archives or when
outsourced from an officially appointed agent´s stamp archive.
Most stamp artists produce more than one piece of
stamp artwork for a specific postage stamp issue
which all are different in small details before
the final decision of choice is made for printing.
Not only stamp collectors have interest for
"Artists´ Stamps Works" (stamp artworks).
They can be found framed and hanging on walls in
private homes and art galleries.
They are collected mostly by motifs (thematic)
than by artist´s name. For example
a beer stamp artwork hanging on the wall at a bar.
Or related to a collectors´
collecting field or related to a company´s or
instituition´s services/products
or reflecting social commitments or historical
connections at NGO´s, like "save the planet",
green energy, trees. elephants etc. etc. like any
other pieces of art.